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By Marion Davis In current times, the general public frequently discusses income inequality across demographic factors such as race, disability, and socioeconomic background. Within this discussion is a need to address the rising trend of poor retention rates for higher education students. With many high-paying jobs often including higher education requirements, a degree can become a key to unlock doors to a greater lifetime earning...
Image Description: A woman with tan skin and black hair brushed back smiles broadly as she looks at the screen of the open laptop she is holding. She sits cross-legged in a plush chair near a large open window that appears to look out onto a view from a high-rise building. By Marion Davis As summer begins for 2023, the corporate push for a return to the office commences.  Prominent in the news are major tech companies , such as...
Look closely at what you can change in yourself and in your environment BY WILLIAM R. DODSON Do you feel like you’re always getting the cold shoulder at work? Do you get passed over for opportunities in favour of colleagues who seem to be less qualified and experienced? You may think that discrimination is to blame. None of that behavior supports or improves your mental health in the least.    However, employees can become...
by William R. Dodson Working mothers have had a rough time of it since the start of the Pandemic, back in March 2020. In addition to the responsibilities of running a home, working mothers have also had to contend with a re-work of work itself. It was difficult enough dealing with the housecleaning, cooking, the daily commute, and running errands when it was required. And don't forget getting the kids to soccer or band or whatever practice...
By EmployDiversity  Diverse professionals need to be more sensitive to their environment and to those they engage than do mainstream coworkers and job seekers. Listening in an active manner goes a long way toward fully engaging people, learning their orientation and benefiting from the interactions. DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT LISTENERS People listen in several different ways:   Competitive listening  - You see this most...
BY EMPLOYDIVERSITY I recall many years ago listening to an interview with a Palestinian in the Occupied Territories neighboring Israel. She said something that has stuck with me ever since: “The Minority knows more about the Majority than the Majority knows about the Majority.” The Minority - whether it be gender-based, ethnic, religious or other - has to know more about its environment in order to survive, at a minimum. Thriving as a...
By EmployDiversity Do you feel like you’re always getting the cold shoulder at work? Do you get passed over for opportunities in favor of colleagues who seem to be less qualified and experienced? You may think that discrimination is to blame. However, employees can become marginalized or ostracized for various reasons – some of which you may be contributing to. And some of which you can control. If you find yourself working for different...
BY EMPLOYDIVERSITY  The culture of a company is a major contributor to the productivity of employees and the success of the organization. A positive company culture where diversity is celebrated can motivate and inspire employees while a non-inclusive culture can marginalize diverse individuals and groups. This can create a toxic environment where harassment, intimidation, and offensive behaviors go unchecked. One contributor to a...
BY EMPLOYDIVERSITY The outdated expectation that women are supposed to be nice, polite, and well-mannered has led to way too many women apologizing way too much. Excessive apologizing isn’t only unnecessary, it can negatively affect your professional image.   THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF APOLOGY Apologizing should be reserved for when you make a genuine mistake. Preceding a request with “I’m sorry” puts you in a defensive and weak...
BY EMPLOYDIVERSITY  Many highly successful women battle with self-doubt. They secretly think that their success is due to luck, that they’re not qualified for the positions they hold, or that they’re failing at their job. These beliefs are unfounded and inaccurate and are symptoms of impostor syndrome.   THE ROOT OF IMPOSTOR SYNDROME Impostor syndrome can take a variety of forms, but they all share a pattern in which an individual...
BY EMPLOYDIVERSITY Workplace diversity, or a lack thereof, is an issue that many companies struggle with. Women in technical or leadership roles, in particular, are far outnumbered by their male counterparts in most companies. Solving this issue requires employers to make a major shift in how they recruit, hire, support, and promote women. Fortunately, employers striving to create a more diverse workplace have a variety of tools at their...