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We are outraged and deeply saddened by the murder of George Floyd.  His tragic and senseless killing, as well as the brutal and senseless killing of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Gardner, spotlights the daily acts of racism and violence against black men and women in America.  Collective anger, frustration, and resentment will ensure that the horrible loss of these valued black lives and others will not be in vain.  Time’s up on police brutality and racial injustice. 

We stand in solidarity with our black and brown brothers and sisters in condemning racial injustice,  racial violence, and police brutality in America.  We are inspired by the thousands of peaceful protesters around the country calling for justice, accountability, and systemic reforms. 

This is a crucial moment in time for America especially given its long history of racial intolerance and we will not remain silent. Black lives do matter. We need to unite and come together to not only speak out against institutional racism, discrimination, oppression, and racial violence but to move forward and start taking deep and meaningful action that will have a positive impact on marginalized communities across the nation. 

We call on our federal, state, and local government leaders and law enforcement to engage and work with black and brown communities to eradicate institutional racism, social and criminal injustice that remains so pervasive in the bloodstream of our society. 

EmployDiversity is committed to using its platform to speak out against institutional racism and working to promote the hiring of African American professionals and people of color.  We are also committed to helping our partners not lose focus on the advances of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and to keep it at the forefront during these racial, social, and economic crisis. 
