Vantage Services LLC
Chicago, IL, USA
Senior Applications Engineer, Insurance @ Vantage Services LLC (Chicago, IL) F/T - Dvlp, test, & maintain assignd sftwr applctns that supprt the insurnce lifecycl. Reqr Bachlrs degr, or forgn equivlnt, in Comptr Sci, Comptr Engnrng, or clsly rltd fld & 5 yrs of progrssvly respnsbl exp in job offrd, as Sftwre Dvlpr, Prgrmmr Anlyst, or rltd postn invlvng dvlpmnt of sftwr apps. Altrntvly, emplyr will accpt Mastrs degr & 3 yrs of progrssvly respnsbl exp. Full term of exp must incld: Wrkng in an entrprse envirnmnt; Dsgnng & bldng Micrsrvces using Micrsft .Net Core & C#; JavaScript framwrks incldng Angular or React; SQL, stored procedurs & databs fundmntls usng MS SQL Srvr or Azure SQL, & No-SQL databses incldng Cosmos DB or Mongo DB; Dvlpng REST API framwrk to mnge API Authntctn, Authorztn, Excptn handlng & Loggng; App resiliency, securty, scalablity, & generl prfrmnce cncpts; Git, source cntrl procedrs; & branchng strtgy; Dvlpng in agile scrum...